Materials required for this game are very simple, a sheet with a 6 by 6 grid of empty squares. Anything can be used as chess, such as drawings, paper scrap, plasticine, and etc.

Rules of Play
Play occurs on a 6 by 6 grid of 36 empty squares.
There are 36 pieces in total with four different colors. 9 pieces for each color.
There can be multiple players, the maximum number of players is 5.
Players take turns marking empty squares by choosing one of the pieces.
A piece can only be placed when its color is different from the colors of all the pieces around it. (top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left pieces are all considered as around pieces)
When there is no piece that can be placed into an empty square, the player who is placing a piece loses.
If all pieces are placed there is no winner. The game ends in a draw.
Game elements
Based on the definition of games given by ROP, a game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome.
Color Chess is a system of squares, pieces with four different colors. In the system, multiple players follow a series of rules to place pieces into empty squares. The artificial conflict rises during each step because the purpose of the placement of each piece is to hinder opponents and to win. So Color Chess is a game.
When we analyze the game elements based on last week’s lecture, Color Chess meets all the requirements.
Rules: listed on the previous page
Players: the game requires at least two players, the maximum number of player is 5
Goals: to hinder opponents and to win
Interaction: players interact with pieces and squares
Choice: placement of pieces, color of pieces